At Gardius Wealth Advisors, we develop a meaningful plan for each client’s future. We use the plan as the centerpiece for our investment portfolio —and work closely with our client to develop the plan and their investment portfolio. Our close partnership and client-centered approach are the keys to our success.

Market Feed

  • Retirement Can Last for Decades

    Once an American woman gets to 65 years old, life expectancy is an additional 20.6 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For men, it's 18 years. Source: USA Today, published Oct. 31, 2017.

  • Plan for Healthcare Costs

    A couple that retired in 2015, both aged 65, will spend an estimated $245,000 on healthcare throughout retirement. Retirees are living longer. Increased costs for insurance, care and prescription drugs are driving costs higher. Your financial plan should account for healthcare costs and inflation on those costs throughout your retirement years. Source: Fidelity

  • Do-It-Yourself Investing

    Studies show the track record for individual investors is not encouraging. DALBAR, a leading financial services marketing research firm, released a study that showed from 1990 to 2010, the unmanaged S&P 500 Index earned an average of 7.81% annually. Over that same period, the average equity investor earned a paltry 3.49% annually. Source:

Our services include, but are not limited to, wealth planning, portfolio management and legacy planning. These services are not independent, but rather weave together to form your TrueWealth Plan. It is very important to develop the appropriate plan, prior to implementing the investment mix, for the portfolio. With successful planning and portfolio management, the focus may shift towards legacy planning—goals for your assets after you are no longer here.
The TrueWealth Plan starts with a detailed roadmap to achieve your financial goals. Whether you are on the road to financial independence or you are already there, a detailed plan outlining short, intermediate and long-term goals is essential to serve as the “rudder” of the investment portfolio.
The TrueWealth Plan starts with a detailed roadmap to achieve your financial goals. Whether you are on the road to financial independence or you are already there, a detailed plan outlining short, intermediate and long-term goals is essential to serve as the “rudder” of the investment portfolio.
The TrueWealth Plan starts with a detailed roadmap to achieve your financial goals. Whether you are on the road to financial independence or you are already there, a detailed plan outlining short, intermediate and long-term goals is essential to serve as the “rudder” of the investment portfolio.
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